7th Fjord-Bergen Jury Members

Terje Kolbeinsen – EFIAP-S, PPSA, HonENSFF, ENSFF-S

Terje started his photography as a hobby in his teens by photographing the neighbourhood birdlife. He photographed many different subjects in the years that followed, and has been actively competing in photograpic competitions since 2010. Terje continues to photograph many subjects, but now concentrates mostly where it all began, nature and birdlife.
Terje is also been active in the governing bodies of his local photographic club, NSFF and PSA. He is currently a committee member in Haugaland Fotoklubb, Regional Contact and Chairman of the Electiorial Committee in NSFF, as well as Membership Contact in Norway for PSA.

Jan Standal – EFIAP, EsFIAP, HonENSFF
Jan’s interest in photography began in 1974, and at that time his favourite subjects were mainly within nature; animals, birds, macro and landscapes. His main intetest continues with the same genders today.
Within FIAP, Jan is honoured with EFIAP and EsFIAP, and in the Norwegian photography society he is honoured with HonENSFF and is also an Honorary member. In addition, he is an honorary member of Bekkalokket Fotoklubb. 
For the last 47 years, Jan has held elected positions in Bekkalokket Fotoklubb’s orgamisation, and for 18 years has held elected positions in the Norwegian Photographic Society.
Irene Sletvik

Irene started photography as a hobby in 2007. She liked to travel with a camera in her bag and take photos of nature, especially coastal landscapes.
Over the years she started photograping new born babies, families and weddings.
In addition, she is a committee member in Sotra Fotoklubb.
